Friday, May 8, 2009

My Mother

It’s Mothers Day weekend, so here is a little something about Momma D.

If I had to write about how great my Mom is, and all the wonderful things she has done for me and my brother, it would take me way more storage space on this computer and until Mothers day next year to finish it, so I will keep it short and sweet.

If you would like to know a bit about Momma D, a man named Solomon did a pretty good job explaining her in Proverbs 31:11-31. She taught my brother and I so many things and raised the two of us better than what is even imaginable. She was the perfect example of how we should live our lives and someday (years) raise our children.

I want to point out just one of my very favorite Momma D stories, which actually happened not that long ago. It was maybe 2 to 3 years ago, after I had already graduated from college and was at least 7 years from living at home. I went back home for a weekend to visit, and had a great learning experience.

We went shopping in Frisco and for some reason decided to check out the new IKEA store. So there we were wondering through this huge store and looking at all the household items. We were probably just catching up on what was going on at the time. We get over to the section of the store where there are tons of kitchen items, and I pick up a bowl with holes in it and casually ask Mom what it was called. Without missing a beat Mom puts on her “Mother/Teacher hat,” raises the pitch in her voice but says it very softly in her best Motherly voice and says “It’s a Colander Greg” as if I was 5 years old with bubble gum in my hair. She figured out what she had done instantly, and we laughed out loud so hard in that store the people around us had to of thought we were on drugs.

I knew then and there, that no matter how long I’ve been out of the house or how old I get, as long as she lives, Mom will always be teaching me new things and giving me advice, which I do need. Ever since that day, if I am digging through my pantry or walking through a grocery store and see a Colander, I can’t help but think about my wonderful Mother and how lucky I am to have her…