Thursday, May 28, 2009

Thursday's Thoughts

Fly Fishing with the Boys

We are headed out to Brokenbow, OK for a bit of fly fishing and golf this weekend, and I can not wait! Big Time (Coach Gage) will serve as our official guide/teacher and it is sure to be a weekend of fun and hilarity. We have been talking about doing this for awhile now, and it’s finally going to happen. I don’t think anyone really cares if the fish are biting or the golf swings are top notch, but just that a bunch of great ole friends are getting back together to have a large time.

The Weather

I am not a big fan of being cooped up indoors, so these past two weeks in Lubbock have been absolutely unreal with the weather averaging 80 degrees and a 5 mph wind (unheard of!). I've got to play tons of golf, do lots of yard work, and even took Kaiya Bear to a park. This is a drastic change from the average 35 mph wind that we had here for a solid two months. I know that the heat is coming but, hey, that is way better than it being so cold you have to stay inside!

Firework Season Approaching

At the end of June will officially begin Firework season. This is the time of year where Dino and I, and our friends and families, try and run a firework business. This is my absolute favorite 10 days of the year that is filled with good times with family, friends, fishing, hunting, spotlighting, games, food, sweets, ice cold beverages, and of course Fireworks! We were born full blown pyro-maniacs and once a year we actually get paid to blow stuff up. There will be more to come on this subject.

Did You Know

Any Baptist reading this? On this date, May 28 in 1664, the first Baptist Church was organized in Boston, MA. Believe it or not, there was no dancing following the potluck dinner. I wonder if they discussed the right or wrongs of playing slot machines for my Mother? I’ve got jokes!

A Quote

"What would men be without women? Scarce, sir. Mighty scarce."

-Mark Twain


  1. Bring on the fireworks!!! I got off work for the weekend!

  2. Great to hear from you! Always enjoy your thoughts. Have fun.

  3. Funny - about the slots and Baptists. I know that they probably did discuss penny slots, and decided for women over 50 it was not considered "casting lots", but cheap entertainment. Love, mom

  4. FIREWORKS!!! I'm super bummed I have to miss the fishing trip but i am super excited about FIREWORKS... Aunt Di, hide the good patio furniture
